How Top-Loading ASRS Grid Supports Rapid Growth In E-commerce

How Top-Loading ASRS Grid Supports Rapid Growth In E-commerce

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) have become a familiar household name in e-commerce warehouses, globally. With businesses striving to meet the increasing demand for fast, accurate and efficient order fulfilment - these automated tools have proven to be indispensable, time and time again.  

At Unistor, we offer top-loading ASRS provided by industry leading brands: Ocado and AutoStore. If you are considering automated warehousing solutions but unsure where to begin, this guide offers a comprehensive understanding of how a top-loading ASRS grid can support your e-commerce growth.

What are Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS)?

ASRS refers to a suite of computer-controlled systems that automate the process of storing and retrieving goods in a warehouse or distribution centre. These systems optimise use of existing warehouse space, reduce labour costs and fine-tune operational efficiency. 

Typically, an ASRS consists of hardware such as cranes, shuttles, or robots, coupled with software to manage the storage and retrieval operations. The top-loading ASRS systems from Ocado and AutoStore are among the most advanced solutions in the market, offering unmatched space efficiency and scalability.

How does a Top-loading ASRS Function?

The concept behind ASRS is straightforward: products are stored in designated locations within a storage system and are retrieved by robots as needed. However, the technology involved is sophisticated and varies depending on the system type. In addition to top-loading ASRS, let us take a closer look at the various systems on offer:

  • Crane-based Systems: In these systems, cranes move along tracks to pick up and place goods in designated storage locations. Controlled by a computer system, the cranes ensure goods are stored in the most efficient manner.

  • Shuttle-based Systems: Here, products are stored in racks, and a shuttle system retrieves them. Small vehicles move along tracks, picking up and dropping off goods at specific locations.

  • Grid-based Systems (Top-loading ASRS): The top-loading ASRS, such as those from AutoStore, operate with robots moving on top of an aluminium grid. Storage bins are stacked within this grid, and robots retrieve items by descending into the grid and bringing them to ports for order picking. This system is the best choice for increasing storage space and operational efficiency.


Benefits of Implementing a Top-loading ASRS

1. Space-saving

Top-loading ASRS systems, like the AutoStore grid, significantly increase storage capacity by capitalising on unused overhead space. These systems can store up to four times more products in the same space compared to traditional warehousing methods. This is particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses dealing with high volumes of inventory in limited spaces.

2. Peak Productivity

Automated systems streamline the picking process, drastically reducing the time required to fulfil orders. Robots can retrieve items faster than humans, reducing errors and speeding up operations. This efficiency translates to quicker delivery times and higher customer satisfaction.

3. Safer Operations

ASRS reduces the risk of accidents and injuries associated with manual operations. In environments like food and beverage warehouses, where frozen items need to be picked, automated systems eliminate the need for staff to enter freezers, thus enhancing workplace safety.

4. Smoother Inventory Control

With real-time tracking capabilities, ASRS systems allow businesses to manage inventory levels accurately and efficiently. This reduces the risk of stockouts and overstocking, leading to better inventory management and cost savings.

5. Improved Bottom-line 

By optimising space and reducing the need for manual labour, ASRS systems help businesses save on employee and real estate costs. The reduction in errors and improved efficiency also contribute to cost savings in the long run.

Industry-leading ASRS: Ocado and AutoStore

At Unistor, we recognise that every warehouse is as unique as the business it houses. Our top-loading ASRS systems from Ocado and AutoStore are designed to support rapid growth in the e-commerce sector by offering top quality, cutting-edge solutions. Here is a quick breakdown of both offerings:

Ocado’s Intelligent Automation

Ocado's system is renowned for its lightweight, modular grid that provides unmatched cubic storage capacity and system efficiency. The grid can be customised to fit any warehouse size and shape, making it ideal for businesses looking to maximise their existing space without the need for costly expansions.

AutoStore’s Robotic Cube Technology

AutoStore operates with high-speed robots that continuously pick up, rearrange, and deliver bins directly to connected ports. This system boasts a 99.6% global average availability, making it one of the most reliable storage solutions available. Its modular design allows for easy expansion, enabling businesses to scale operations without disrupting ongoing processes.

Mezzanine Integration 

Integrating an industrial mezzanine with top-loading ASRS grids can further enhance warehouse efficiency. 

Mezzanines create additional levels within the warehouse, allowing for even more storage space without expanding the building's footprint. This is particularly beneficial in urban environments where real-estate can sit at eye watering prices. 

By combining Unistor’s mezzanine solutions with Ocado and AutoStore’s ASRS technology, you can really take your operations to that next level. The modular nature of mezzanines means they can be customised to fit around existing structures and systems, making them a versatile solution for any warehouse setup.

Partner with Unistor for your E-commerce needs

When it comes to the fast-moving world of e-commerce, you cannot afford to miss a beat. Efficiency and scalability are absolute musts for remaining competitive. Unistor, as Australia’s leading manufacturer and supplier of warehouse mezzanine floor systems - we stay ahead of industry trends to provide our clients with the most innovative and effective offerings. 

Our top-loading ASRS systems from Ocado and AutoStore represent the cutting edge of warehouse automation technology. By reaping the benefits of optimised space, enhanced efficiency, improved safety and reduced costs - you can take confidence in ASRS solutions that are designed to support your business every step of the way. 

With over thirty years of industry experience, Unistor is well-equipped to provide expert guidance and support throughout the implementation of your ASRS system. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your transition to automated storage will be smooth sailing. We offer end-to-end services from consultation and project management, to installation and aftercare.

Contact Unistor today to learn more about how our top-loading ASRS systems can transform your warehouse operations and drive your business forward.


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